
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gardening Update: Broccoli

I will start giving you updates on the vegetables so you see how much they have grown since planted. This is the broccoli update. I had planted 4  broccoli plants originally which I bought on the garden center (Click here for a how to). I also grew 4 more plants indoors from seed - I put these baby broccoli plants outside this weekend. Here are some photos!

First 4 plants:
At planting time
4 weeks later

There is something very interesting to notice here. The plant on the top left corner, fell out of my hands when I was planting it and the crown broke (it was only attached by a tiny little amount of stalk. As an experiment, I held the stalk together and planted it a little deeper than the others, so the earth was really holding the plant together. It worked, the plant is alive, smaller but alive.

Second set = Grown indoors from seed:

Anti - rabbits snake!

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