
Sunday, June 5, 2011

Arepas with Perico: Venezuelan Style Scramble Eggs

We make Arepas with Perico for Sunday brunch at least twice a month. It is a small way to keep traditions and get the kids to learn the flavors of my country! Arepas are small round corn breads that we eat with a variety of fillings. One of them is Perico or Venezuelan scramble eggs. Every family have their own way of doing Perico, and we even do it differently every time. This is my version of it.

First you need to cook the Arepas and while they cook you make the Perico.



  • Harina PAN (can be bought at supermarkets - look in the ethnic isle)
  • Salt
  • Water
To make the Arepas, you can follow the instructions on the pack or do as I do.

I put approximately half a cup of Harina PAN per Arepa to be made. I add a pinch of salt and water. I start with a little and start mixing, I keep adding water and mixing until the dough is soft and pliable. Now,

I have an Arepa machine that already has 4 holes to shape the Arepas. IMUSA sells them here in the US. However, you can make them the traditional way too.

Make small balls the size of your hand and put them in the Arepa machine, close it and cook for about 10 minutes.

Open the Arepa machine and you are done.

 To cook them the traditional way, make the balls and start flattening them until they have the round flat shape. Put a non stick pan on the stove and heat it. Spray a little PAM and put the arepas in. Let them cook on one side until crunchy. Turn around and cook until crunchy on that side. At this point, you can take the arepas and put them in the oven at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes. You can see now why we buy arepa machines!!!

Perico: Venezuelan Scramble Eggs

Ingredients (serves 4):

  • Eggs (1 less egg than the number of servings i.e. For 4 servings use 3 eggs)
  • 1 Large Tomato
  • 4 slices of ham
  • 1 small onion
  • Salt to taste
  • A little Parsley to garnish (optional)

Cut the tomato, the onion and the ham into small squares (I did not have onions today so I used spring onions).

Spray a little PAM on a pan, and cook the tomatoes and the onions for about 2 minutes.

Add the ham and cook for further 2 minutes.

Add the eggs and salt to taste.

Scramble them. Once they are ready, add the parsley and serve.

To  assemble the Arepas, cut them sideways, like making a pocket.

We like to take the inside out (but you can leave that in. Spread butter inside the Arepa.

Add cheese (optional).

Fill it in with Perico and enjoy your arepa!!


  1. Desde hace rato estoy que compro la maquina de hacer arepas. En Colombia tambien las comemos pero son un poco diferentes. Cuando estuve de vacaciones en Caracas, comi arepas todo el tiempo con malta Polar, jaja. Tu receta me encanto, gracias por publicarla.
    Saludos desde California!

  2. Que delicia, nunca he probado una arepa pero con solo ver tu receta estoy q ya quiero, pero necesito la maquinita arepera, gracias por la receta y las fotos se ve todo fantastico

  3. Me encantan las arepas y las suelo preparar en casa con huevo jamón y queso , pero en scramble no las he probado y se que me gustara mucho:)

  4. Por fin consigo la receta de aretas... Deseame suerte, aunque siguendo los pasos tan bien explicados y con las super fotos de apoyo... Ya me estoy saboreando.. saludos,

  5. @Reina - no te desanimes que las puedes hacer sin la arepera - sigue los pasos que explico con la manera traditional - o si no IMUSA las vende - no son tan caras y duran mucho la mia tiene como 10 anos!!

    @ all - cuentenme que tal le quedaron las arepas cuando las hagan.

  6. yo no sabía que Imusa vendía el tosti arepa aquí! mi mamá en uno de sus viajes me trajo uno de oster pero es de dos arepas nada más.. antes estaba perfecto, pero ahora tenemos un comensal más! jejeejejeje..

    Me dieron ganas de comer perico.. quizás mañana haga!

  7. @ Cristina - Malta polar!!! que ricura... aqui se consigue la Goya pero no es lo mismo

    @Sazon Boricua - Las arepas con pericos se comen mucho de desayuno en Venezuela, las de jamon y queso se comen a cualquier hora!!!!

    @Maybe - creo que cuestan como $50 - mi arepera es viejisima, me la trajo mi mama tambien y me comento mi tia que ahora venden prontiempanadas - les pedi uno por que me muero de curiosidad


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