
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I am going to Hispanicize 2012!!!

Thank you! I am so lucky to be able to go to Hispanicize 2012. I was selected as 1 of 100 Latino bloggers to receive a free pass to the conference thanks to Hispanicize 2012! I found out about the contest via my friend and fellow Latino Blogger Mama Contemporanea. I applied with a lot of hope and I could not believe my eyes when I got the e-mail a few days later letting me know I have won.
So why am I so excited you may ask, well first of all because I will have the chance to see a lot of my Latino bloggers friends, some of whom I have met personally and some that I have not had the pleasure yet. I will also be able to learn a lot more about blogging and about what makes Latino bloggers tick.
You see Hispanicize is an event focused on Latino trends and trendsetters in social media, entertainment, marketing and media.  The event is a partnership of the Hispanic Public Relations Association (HPRA), Hispanicize and the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). Some of this year's sponsors are McDonald’s, Clorox, Wal-Mart, Diageo and Univision amongst others. The conference is a launch pad for creative endeavors, new products, technologies, marketing campaigns, films, books and more targeting Latinos.

I cannot wait to be there!

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