
Monday, October 29, 2012

Easy Measurement and Oven Conversions for International Recipes

As a Venezuelan who used to live in the UK and currently lives in the US, I have lost count on how many times I have had to translate and convert measures on recipes and food packaging alike! My mother will give me recipes in liters, but my measuring cups are in oz. I share recipes with my cousins back home and they do not get it when I say: "use 1/2 lb of meat" and don't even talk to me about oven temperatures! Celsius or Fahrenheit?  if your recipe and your oven do not agree on that answer you need to convert once more. So I decided to write this post  to help all of you out there that like me struggle with recipes from all over the world!

Oven Conversions

Liquid Measures Conversions

Dry Measures Conversions


  1. Esto si que es útil!! Me servirá mucho para cuando haga mis recetas colombianas esta navidad.

  2. Caramba esto esta buenísimo. Voy a imprimirlo para ponerlo detrás de la puerta de mi gabinete en la cocina y así tenerlas a la mano. Muchas gracias.

  3. Perfecto, guardado en favoritos y listo para imprimir, mil gracias por compartir esto tan útil

  4. Me encanto, estas tablas de conversion son exactamante lo que yo necesitab, mil gracias.

  5. Thank you thank you thank you! I can't tell you how many times I see a recipe and want to cook it then I have to look up all of the conversions. I'm printing this out and keeping it with my recipe book.

  6. WOW! Me encantan, son muy útiles! especialmente para las principiantes como yo!



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