
Thursday, December 11, 2014

Venezuelan Christmas Recipes: A compilation from the best Venezuelan Food Bloggers

December is here and with it my favorite season of the year, Christmas!!!  I love the holidays for many reasons: my family, friends, christmas trees and lovely decorations, and for all the wonderful opportunities to get together and enjoy some great home cooked food, traditional rich and delicious recipes that we get to eat, sometimes, only once a year.

Back at home in Venezuela, we start the eating and the cooking pretty early during the season. I certainly have a list of my favorite recipes and have shared some with you throughout the years. My christmas table will not be complete without some Hallacas, a delicious juicy Pernil (Pork shoulder), Pan de Jamón and of course a Quesillo for dessert.

This year, some of my friends and great Venezuelan bloggers out there got together to bring you a compilation of the best Venezuelan traditional dishes for the Holidays. We have everything from appetizers, entrees, sides, desserts and even drinks - somebody mentioned Ponche Crema (our Rum punch version)?

I am very excited to share with you the links to all these delicious dishes, they are waiting for you!

Let the cooking begin!!!

Contributing bloggers:

Dariela de Mami Talks
Enriqueta de Savoir Faire
Maybelline de Naturalmente Mamá
Oriana de Mommyhood's Diary
Tiffany de Living Sweet Moments

Let me know if you try any of them, how do they turn out?



  1. Oh wow these look really yummy! I would love to try the Hallacas recipe some day. By the way, the link on your instagram points to an HTTPS domain and wouldn't let me in. Because I'm a geek I was able to use HTTP without the S to see your blog. I haven't been keeping up with changes in blogger. But if you search "turn on https for your blogger blog" there will be a tutorial.

    I absolutely love the bear cake! SOOO CUUUTE!!!!! <3

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