
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Readers Poll: Shall I change the name of the blog?

P-ART-Y or not....

I have been thinking about the blog and how it has changed and evolved during the last 6 months. I started writing about my cakes and the ART of doing cakes and sugar crafts for parties, hence the name P-ART-Y. Now I enjoy writing about all my hobbies: gardening, cooking, crafts, cakes and raising my 2 kids as bilingual and bicultural as I can (challenging...... and a half). So the name does not seem to be that related to the content anymore.

What do you all think? shall I change it? I would love your opinion, I do value your feedback.

Additionally, I think typing P-ART-Y is a bit cumbersome, so something simpler will make life easier for everybody.

I would also love to hear suggestions as to what name do you think will suit my blog. I have been thinking about it and nothing comes to mind.... (I am quite attached to the whole P-ART-Y and to Party Artist)

Thanks for sharing your feedback with me!


  1. Hi! I am returning the favor also.

    I think " The Party Artist" would be really catchy and easier on you to type!

  2. Are you going to change your url too? If not, I think the name is fine. ;)

    I hope you have a great weekend.

    I am stopping by from the Friday blog hop. Nice to "meet" you.

    LaVonne @ Long Wait For Isabella

  3. I feel the same way about my name...not that I want to change it, but that my domain is long and has dashes, but I wanted to get rid of the "blogspot" extension. I like your new name...I say go for it!

    Thank you for stopping by my blog!


  4. I think it´s a great name to keep. Inlcuding new activities is normal, we all find new exciting things to talk about when blogging, and PARTY ARTIST applies to everything you do, you may be an artist doing a party everywhere and with everything :)

  5. A mi me gusta el nombre que tiene tu blog, porque eres una artista en todo lo que haces! Ademas que muestras diferentes facetas en las que te desempenas muy bien.
    Saludos desde California!

  6. Carelys en mi opinión el nombre esta bien! ademas abajo especificas de que se trata tu Blog! Yo lo entendi desde la primera vez que entre.


  7. Carelys, déjale el mismo nombre pero si debes comprar el domain ..

  8. De hecho de todo lo que podrías escribir es como una PARTY.... Cuando cocinamos algo especial, nos dedicamos a la jardinería, escribimos una reseña de una película que fuiste a ver.. para mi es un PARTY.. Además.. P-ART-Y.. destaca el hecho de que hay Arte involucrado en tus propuestas..

  9. Thank you all! Your comments are very insightful! I honestly was not sure about how annoying where the dashes or whether the name resonated. I really like P-ART-Y, because of the wink of ART in it.

    Thanks for guiding me. I will keep it and see if the domain is available!

  10. Hola Carelys! A mi me gusta el nombre y va muy acorde con el contenido. Pero te entiendo totalmente. Yo tambien estoy nueva en esto y todos los dias se me ocurre algo nuevo jajajaja. Suerte y besos


Thanks for your comment!