
Monday, October 3, 2011

End of September Garden Update

September is a lovely month for the garden - it is harvest time!! Here are the photos I took at the end of September and the latest update. Enjoy!

Right side beds

Left side beds

The plants are in their pick of maturity, some of them even started to die. We had a good season with lots of nice produce and still more to come! Please have a look:

On the right side vegetables beds we have:


We have had quite a lot of green zucchinis.Even though we lost one of the plants to disease. We also had quite a few yellow squashes from one of the plants, the other one never did anything. I pulled them out this weekend. The green zucchini plant is all over my patio now as it is too big. It still has a few flowers so hopefully we will get a few more fruit!


This was not a fantastic season for tomatoes. I did get enough for our day to day and to make a gallon of sauce, but I did not have enough for canning as I did last year. The brandywine tomatoes were so delicious and I saved some of the seeds for next year!


We did get enough cucumbers for my son!! He loves them so much he can eat a cucumber a day no problem. I still see one or two on the plant, but the plant is pretty done by now.

Sweet Potatoes

These plants keep climbing and climbing everywhere. Still not sure how to harvest them or when, but I will find out no doubt!
Sweet Corn
I got 2 tiny corns from this and had 2 more ready in the plants when a wonderful raccoon ate them all!! yes all the plants too!!

The Oregano, thyme and basil are all big. I have enjoyed them in so many dishes. Lovely!


These are doing nicely. I have picked a few for some recipes and still have many more to go! I should make some carrot and coriander soup soon.
On the left side vegetable beds we have:


I already harvested the first set of tires, the ones with the Russet Potatoes. Unfortunately an animal ate the majority of them. The red potatoes are not ready yet, soon!


I am still enjoying my broccoli, I keep collecting the small shoots every 3 days or so to make soup for my girl or to use in my salads. I left the back 2 plants go to seed so I can plant them next year. The seeds are not ready yet.

Red Onions and Beets

I have picked about 6 beets and still have quite a few more in the ground, I am not a fan of these vegetables, I really grew them for my son as he likes them. I may not plant as many next year!

I thought I picked all the red onions, but when I went to take this photo, I found one I left behind! it was a nice surprise. I made some nice salad with it and was very pleased as my daughter told me her favorite part of the salad was the onion. I tell you that girl eats everything! I am so proud!

Peppers and Eggplants

I have quite a few peppers in the plants, but have only harvested about 3 so far. This season was not long enough it looks like as they are all still greenish. I am trying to leave them in the plant for the longest time just so I see which color they go but soon I will have to harvest them all as it is getting too cold at night. Peppers do not like the cold at all.

On the other hand, my eggplants did so well this year!! I lost count on how many I have had, so delicious!!! I am going to try to keep one of the small plants inside over the winter. Let's see how that goes!

Greens: Lettuce, Arugula, Spinach, Cabbage

One cabbage in my fridge and one to go! I love the way the cabbages got so big and round. This is my first year planting cabbages, I think they are a keeper!!

I planted Arugula, lettuce and spinach a couple of weeks ago for a second crop. The little seedling are very small now. I can't wait to have my arugula salad again!

So there you have, a quick update of my little vegetable beds. Not bad for such a small space. How is your garden doing?


  1. Ay Carelys, ni preguntes por mi jardin, jajaja. Tuve girasoles y murieron pocas semanas despues. Las unicas flores que puedo tener son las de los floreros dentro de la casa. Aunque me fascinaria tener una huerta como la tuya, eso si, cuando tenga un jardin con espacio. Puedes preparar tantos platos ricos con todos esos productos de tu huerta. Una verdadera delicia!
    Saludos desde California!

  2. Cristina - yo ni tengo jardin jajaja!
    Carelys, la verdad que todo se ve divinoooooo! Esa cebolla me mato. Prima que green thumbs! Y todo se ve tan rico. Love it :)

  3. WOW!!!! pero tu tienes en tu jardin todo tipo de vegetales!! demasiado buenas se ven! wow muy buena mano para esto, a mi hasta las pobres flores que compro ya grandes se me mueren jajaja

  4. Que buena mano para las plantas! todos los vegetales se ven buenisimos. Yo solo cosecho, mi esposo es el que planta, ojala que el proximo año me anime a crecer hierbas, eso si creo que lo puedo hacer :-)

  5. yo sueño con plantar mis verduritas orgánicos en el back yard, pero vivo en un depto, pero es mi asignatura pendiente! porque sé que no sólo es relajante, saludable, sino algo lindo para hacer con los niños :) super tu post!

  6. Carelys tu tienes un super gardin! Eso te debe ahorrar dinero. Cada vez que compro beets en el mercado me da ataque de lo caras que son y ademas super chiquitas. Felicidades.

  7. You really love this! Mi admiración! son de las cosas que me gustaría hacer, pero no le encuentro esa pasión! Nada tan práctico como preparar el menú diario sin tener que ir al supermercado, sólo al jardín!

  8. Thank you all! I love my garden, it gives me peace and lots of yummy food! yes, i do come back from work, go straight there, pick up whatever is ripe and cook it for dinner! Eliana, youcan so do it in an apartment - lots of vegetables grow great in pots!

  9. This is great! But as I can see your garden needs some make-over. But seems that the produce is going great! Good job on the photos.

  10. Wonderful garden you've got there! It's very green and healthy!Congrats on it and on your harvest!


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