
Thursday, October 13, 2011

The best way to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month: Giving back to our community!!

Monday was a beautiful day! Not just because it was about 75F during mid-October, but because 276 families in need received much needed food, thanks to ConAgra foods and its employees. What a better way to celebrate Hispanic Heritage month than to help our closest Hispanic community, right here in Aurora.

On Monday, sponsored by the ConAgra Latino Network, 10 volunteer employees distributed 10,000 pounds of food, including ConAgra products, fresh fruit and meat. A total of 276 families lined up to receive food from the mobile pantry, many of them with kids. As usual, the gratitude was abundant and the spirit of community and collaboration was present. I was particularly touched by the young church volunteers who helped the women and children carry the heavy boxes of food. These kids (all teenagers) worked so hard to help others, it was truly inspiring.

I have been lucky enough to be able to organize this event in our community for 4 years in a row. I truly enjoy giving back. We have partnered with the Northern Illinois Food Bank and local churches to make sure we distribute the food to Latino families in need in the area.

As usual, I got my payment with the kids' smiles and the blessings from all the men and women who benefited from the event!

Our efforts were also caught on the Local Tribune. Click here to link to the news article.


  1. Wow! que lindo! la verdad que en estos tiempos de crisis a veces se nos olvida que en nuestra propia comunidad hay personas menos afortunadas que se les hace dificil poner un pedazo de pan sobre la mesa para alimentar a sus familias. Me alegro mucho que esas doscientas y pico de familias hayan podido recibir esa gran ayuda y que el proximo año sea menos gente la que pase necesidad.
    Gracias por compartir esto con nosotras y de recordarnos la importancia de mirar a nuestro alrededor y así ayudar a los que lo necesiten.

  2. Muy chevere Carelys! Te felicito por la iniciativa y que lo sigas haciendo muchos años mas. Un abrazote!

  3. Super!! que lindo, el trabajo voluntario siempre es muy gratificante!! felicidades por tu iniciativa y trabajo por tu comunidad! saludos!

  4. Wow! que linda oportunidad de dar a los mas necesitados. Un abrazote!

  5. Gracias chicas! ya estot preparando el del 2012!


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