
Saturday, March 30, 2013

Easy Easter Eggs: Silk Tie or Wax dye- Which ones you like better?

Are you painting Easter Eggs today? This is the first year that we are painting eggs for Easter. Growing up in Venezuela, Easter was a very serious holiday, we did not have eggs or bunnies. When I moved to the US I got to learn the fun American traditions of the Easter Bunnie and the great eggs - chocolate and otherwise. So every year since then we have been collecting chocolate eggs every Easter Sunday, and yesterday we made our first Easter colored eggs.

I wanted to do cool eggs that were colorful and easy at the same time. I searched the internet for ideas and through several sites I found that silk ties can be used to make great Easter eggs. I also found out that you can use candle wax to make intricate designs on eggs using the color pellets that come in the store bought Easter eggs painting kits. Here are the instructions for the 2 different methods - they are both very easy.

Silk Tie Easter Eggs

  • 100% silk ties in vibrant colors - reds and browns work better - I bought mine at Goodwill for very little money.
  • Raw eggs
  • Wool
  • Vinegar
  • PAM cooking spray

Cut a square piece of silk from the tie that is big enough to cover the egg.

With the right side of the pattern touching the raw egg, wrapped the egg on the silk.

Use the wool to complete wrap the egg until you do not see the silk.

Boil the egg for 20 minutes in water with a few spoons of vinegar. Boil like colors together - but do not mix them as the color will run.

Take the egg out and let it cool down.

Once it is cool, unwrap the egg and let it dry.

Once dry, spray the egg with PAM cooking oil, rub the oil all over the egg and clean the excess oil with a paper towel. You will have a beautiful unique  shiny Easter egg!

Candle wax Easter egg

  • Easter Egg painting kit
  • Hard boiled eggs (Boiled for 20 minutes - let cool)
  • Candle
  • Plate

Prepare the paint as instructed in the kit. Take your hard boiled egg and light your candle. On top of a plate, let the wax from the candle drip over the egg in pattern of your liking.

You will be layering paints on the eggs from light to dark. Dip the egg in the lightest color and let it sit there for a few minutes. Take out and let the egg dry on the carton. Once dry, put more wax on the egg in a pattern of your liking, dip the egg on the next color. Repeat this process until you have dipped the eggs in as many colors as you like - By the end, your egg will almost be fully covered with wax. Let the egg dry.

Once dry, carefully peel off the wax with your nails, you will reveal the beautiful layers of color on your egg! voila!


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